DevOpsDays Boston 2019

What If Developers Could Stop Caring About Secrets?

NERD Summit 2019

What is Kubernetes, and Why Should I Care?

KubeSec Enterprise Summit 2018

Can Your Application Keep a Secret?

Connecticut Kubernetes Meetup

Transparent Authentication of Outbound Connections with Secretless

Western Mass Full Stack Meetup

Chopped, But With Golang

SAFE Working Group Meeting

Integrating a Service With Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes

Western Mass Full Stack Meetup

Dockerize Your Project with Mob Programming!

NERD Summit 2018

Docker for Development

Western Mass Full Stack Meetup

A Conversation on DevOps and Secrets Management

Holyoke Codes

Intro to PHP Programming!

Western Mass Full Stack Meetup

Computing in the Cloud with AWS or Google

Dissertation Defense

Efficient Numerical Methods for Water Wave Propagation in Unbounded Domains